The best advice in these circumstances is to always persist in what they do, knowing that it will eventually pay off. They can also diversify their enterprises to increase revenue inlets.
FAQ Group: Ziwani Poultry Enterprises Limited
What are the expected impacts you foresee in the Kakuma and Kalobeyei area following your interventions?
Pastoralists will diversify their livestock and start poultry farming as a way of building resilience in the face of prevailing drought in the region that impacts the large herds of goats, sheep, cows and camels negatively. They will also start consuming more chicken meat and eggs. Kakuma and Kalobeyei as a market place has a big population which translates to customers for our products
What do you look forward to doing in Kakuma/Kalobeyei? How do you see your business growing in the next 5 years? What challenges have you had to overcome?
The main challenge for us was the issue of land acquisition, and then finding a water source to sink a borehole on it. Construction material is very expensive, yet we needed cement, rebars, iron sheets etc.
I expect my business to grow since I have networked with a number of stakeholders and farmers who are keen on buying chicks from us.
What attracted you to the Kakuma/Kalobeyei area? Why did you choose to apply for the KKCF funding?
There was no completion for Ziwani Poultry Enterprises Limited, and we were encouraged by the fact that KKCF would take up some of the risk by offering the grant.