GLAP Enterprises manufactures and sells various types of soap and disinfectants in the Kakuma Kalobeyei area. Additionally, it produces hair conditioners, baby soap, and hand sanitizers.
Hygiene products like bathing soap and washing detergents are vitally important in all households in preventing outbreaks of diseases. In Kakuma town, camps, and Kalobeyei, most of these products are sourced from Nairobi or Kitale. Through soap production, the GLAP enterprises have made these products affordable and easily available to the locals.
Intends to acquire soap manufacturing equipment that will enable it to increase production capacity and diversify its product line.
Usafi Green Energy Limited is a clean energy company in Kakuma producing improved cookstoves and briquettes.
There is a high demand for clean cooking solutions in Kakuma- Kalobeyei Camp due to the large population and pressure exerted on the available resources for provision of fuel. The use of firewood in the camp presents threats to the environment as it causes pollution, deforestation, and respiratory diseases. Additionally, the cost of providing energy in the refugee camp is unnecessarily high in terms of money, health, and environmental impact. The business bridges this gap by providing clean energy solutions.
Through the KKCF funding, the company will increase its briquette and cookstove production capacity.
Atta Nayece Media Services Limited is a local radio station based in Kakuma that has programming in several local languages including Turkana, Swahili, English and Juba Arabic.
The station currently has a social educative impact, particularly on the youths who are majority of the listeners. Over the years the station has grown to offer wide range of broadcasting services and provide employment to 29 youths.
Through the KKCF funding, the radio station is purchasing and installing assorted modern radio telecommunication equipment and strengthen its frequency transmission to enable it to reach other parts of Turkana. This will allow them to reach a wider audience to disseminate information.
Dan Fabricators offers welding and fabrication services in Kakuma town.
Despite the existence of a large population of about 260,000, the Furniture and metalwork market is largely untapped in Kakuma and Kalobeyei. Through the KKCF funding, Dan Fabricators will expand its operations and acquire a standby generator that will guarantee business continuity in providing quality and affordable finished goods.
Eruko Savings and Credit Cooperative Society Limited is a Savings and Credit Cooperative Society (SACCO) that operates in Lodwar town. It provides savings and loans to its members while also availing aloe products as an income generating activity.
The SACCO has also carved out its niche in the region with its unique soap products as aloe Multipurpose soap, aloe Vera bathing bar soap and aloe Vera hair oil.
Through the KKCF funding, the SACCO is developing the aloe value chain in Kakuma Kalobeyei area where it intends to construct a warehouse and acquire a processing machine. This will create jobs for the local community specifically for women and the youth.
Sajop Automobile Enterprises undertakes the repair and maintenance of vehicles in Kakuma. The company also provides welding services where it produces power towers, steel windows, gates, and signposts
The business has managed to train 65 youths in Mechanic and welding skills in Kakuma, 35 of them being seconded by Swiss contact a non-governmental organization dealing with tertiary training to the refuges and host community.
Through the KKCF funding, the business is constructing and equip a modern garage with car wash in Kakuma town and will create 10 direct jobs and free training opportunities to mechanics and welders in the area.
Itopride Chemist provides over-the-counter sales of human medicine while dispensing prescribed medicine in Kakuma.
The company intends to fill the huge demand for healthcare services in Kakuma and its environs by properly dispensing quality drugs to patients. Through the KKCF funding, the business intends to purchase medical equipment to operationalize its clinic.
Artech East Africa is a financial institution that mobilizes community groups, trains them on business, management, savings models and later lends to them
The company has a branch in Lodwar and through funding from KKCF is expanding its operations to Kakuma where it will work with Micro Small and Medium Entrepreneurs (MSMEs). By provision of financial services small businesses in Kakuma will be able to access capital, expand their businesses while purchasing new assets.
Unity Bakery supplies doughnuts and scones in Kakuma town, Kakuma camp and Kalobeyei camp.
There is growing potential for baking services due to a rapidly growing population and to this end, Unity Bakery through the support of KKCF intends to acquire modern bakery equipment and expand its facility.
With this improvement, the bakery will be able to create more jobs, while making baked goods available at a reasonable price to the host community and refugees.
Kalobeyei Main Medical Centre offers a wide range of inpatient and outpatient services in Kalobeyei including pharmacy, laboratory, nursing services and community public health education.
The huge population in Kalobeyei Camp exerts pressure on the healthcare sector in the region, thus the centre which serves as the only private clinic in Kalobeyei addresses these gaps by reducing the time taken by the local community to access quality healthcare services.
Through the KKCF funding, Kalobeyei Main Medical Centre is acquiring medical equipment to enhance its laboratory, maternity unit and establish a dental unit. This will create jobs for the host and refugee community while increasing access to affordable and quality healthcare for the community.